Monday, September 30, 2019
Othello By William Shakespeare †What is the dramatic significants of the first scene? Essay
Q. What is the dramatic significants of the first scene? A. During his reign as literature king Shakespeare wrote the play Othello. The play is based mainly on the conflict between Italy and Cyprus in the early 1600’s; Shakespeares characters also reflect this troubled time. Act one Scene gives the reader their first glimpse as to what the play might represent. The scene starts in the middle of an argument between Iago and Rodergio somewhere in Venice. They are arguing about Othello marriage to Desdemona (the daughter of Brabantio a important Venetian senator.) Roderigo questions Iago about his lack of knowledge surrounding this event. From the language used we know that Iago has taken money from Rodreigo to keep track on Desdemona as Roderigo is secretly in love with her. Iago has failed by not knowing about Othellos secret wedding to Desdemona. â€Å"That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine shouldst know of this.†The fact that this scene begins mid way through an argument is very significant as this would of grabbed an audiences attention in the early 1600’s as there were no microphone and no proper way of showing the audience that the play has begun. In starting this way the play has interested the audience and left them with the question, what is this argument about? Iago is what was known as during the time of Elizabethan theatre a Machiavliel villain. This means the audiences know this character is untrustworthy; he is only really out for himself. Iago wants Power and money. Through out this scene money terminology is used to a great affect. This shows that money and status was very important at this time. â€Å"By debitor and creditor; this counter caster, he, in good time, must be a lieuitenant be,†Iago is a very bitter man he wants to take his own revenge upon Othello even if this means Othello will truly suffer the consequences as he was not given the top job, which he believes he deserves. However Othello gave the job to Michael Cassio who we not yet been introduced too. Iago makes cruel comments about Michael Cassio stating he is all talk and no action on the battlefield this is highly insulting. Iago is also very cruel when talking with Roderigo about Othello he is very racist and patronizing Othellos name is never used throughout this scene he is referred to as â€Å"The Moor.†I believe this to be very rude and pure jealousy on Iagos part. However this does not really matter at this moment as Othello is highly regarded within this society. Within this scene Iago clearly shows he is not someone to be trusted. He is very ironic with that the fact that he shows Roderigo and the audience he is who he is and no one can change that about him. At this point the audience sense the Irony of this particular line. He is admitting he cannot be trusted. â€Å"I am not what I am†Iago decides that one of the ways in which to seek his revenge upon Othello is by telling Brabantio (Desdemonas father) about her secret wedding to Othello. However Iago is very cunning as he talks Roderigo into calling upon Desdemona father and telling him the truth, as obviously he doesn’t want this crime to be traced back to him this plan makes perfect sense. â€Å"Call up her father, Rouse him, make him after his poison his delight.†Brabantio then enters this scene he asks about what is all the noise about as this scene takes place in the middle of the night. Brabantio is obviously worried as Iago calls out and say thieves are at Brabantios this creates a lot of fuss. Iago tells him that someone close is plotting against him (Othello) and that he should be more aware. Iago wants to be seen as a hero. Roderigo then takes the lead, as Iago does not want to get into trouble as he has still got to go back to Othello. Roderigo breaks the news to Brabantio. The language here shows that Roderigo is trying to break this news gently but the truth is he does not care about the consequences. â€Å"The worser welcome, I have charged thee not to haunt about my doors; in honest plainness thou hast heard me say etc Upon malicious bravery dost thou come to start my quiet.†Branbantio cannot believe what he is hearing he is in shock as he regards Othello highly. This clearly shows Othello has a very high status. Roderigo swears it is true and Iago backs this up showing his character to be a liar. Brabantio is forced to believe them making him insanely jealous and totally nieve. Iago then explains that Desdemonas happiness is important to him; once again Iago seems like our unlikely hero. Brabantio decides that he must go and find Othello to confront him. At the end of this Roderigo and Iago are once again left alone this is very significant to the scene as it shows that this scene had begun and ended in a very similar way. Roderigo finally reminds Iago of their deal the only thing they want is revenge on Othello. They strongly believe he deserves it, however as an audience we cannot make this judgement, as we have never met him. The only thing we as an audience can go off if what other characters have said about him. We believe Othello to be noble and brave not cunning and kneiving. Iago finally leaves to go back to Othello. This shows Iago is a plotter by going between these two characters, we do not know where his loyalty lies. Finally Brabantio returns and goes to find Othello he is angry and upset. Roderigo decides to go and find Othello too. This scene ends on a semi tense cliffhanger. This scene leaves the audience wondering what may lie ahead. The dramatic significants within this scene shows dramatic irony mainly focusing on Iago. This villain needs to be stopped, but how? Is the question still to be answered. Â
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Heraclitus v Parmenides
The heavily studied philosophical debate that has been carried for centuries on the nature of being and the perception of it, displays the vast differences between the two philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides. One which believed in a singularity of things, while one differs and carries the philosophy of a duality of reality. One that believes that the changes in perception are deceitful, while the other displays a philosophical view that our perceptions essentially relative and always changing based one of nature. One believes that reality and nature is constant , while the other believes that everything is constantly changing , and that even the flowing river that one may step his foot in will not be the same river the next time around. Heraclitus believed things were ever-changing, and that may be true. Science and physics( which is an arm of philosophy tells us that when force is applied to things there is the possibility of a change in the molecular make up of the item. It is like a formless matter. Once the matter has been molded into a particular form it is more than likely to lose atoms during the process. I believe the example of the flowing river is a pretty clever one. Being that the river is ever flowing there is constant erosion occurring as the constant (the bed of the river) interacts with the moving (the flow of the water). In actuality even the small acts such as shaking hands involves the exchange of atoms and molecules. Parmenides presented a conflicting philosophical opinion to that of Heraclitus. Parmenides presented the view that the state of being in nature is constant. It does not change and that our perception of reality may at times be very deceitful. While I do not agree with this in regards to the state of being and nature I do think this argument would hold much weight and would be considered a solid truth in terms of psychology. A person’s psychological makeup could very well affect the way a person views reality, and could present falsehoods. One of Parmenides’ most popular argument of that something that is not cannot be feasibly proven as it is not in a state of being. I would argue that it could simply as the inverse of something that is. While both have left a longing impression on the western philosophy and we are still arguing the same debate that they did today, I would have to agree with the argument of Heraclitus on the topic of the status of being. Things are always changing; we live with gravity which in itself causes us to change, without it we would not age nearly as quickly as we do. I find the difference in the argument in the duality and constant being of nature to be one of a matter from a modern perspective as looking at things from a macro and micro perspective. On the macro side things look the same and unchanged as it takes drastic force or influence to change things, but on the micro level even the small of acts cause for a strong movement of atoms. I would have to agree with Heraclitus, although Parmenides does present a very valid argument when placed in proper context.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Management Info Systems Individual Work wk1 Essay
Management Info Systems Individual Work wk1 - Essay Example On the other hand, Information Systems refers to the interlinked elements that control information with an organization in order to help in the decision-making process. It also helps in examining products for using new innovative ways to design a product. The Information System provides information regarding the organization as well as business external environment that affects the organization operation/undertakings. The main components of information are the input of information, processing of the information and finally giving the information as an output. The Information System of an organization is available for use by outsiders such as customers, competitors and other stakeholders. The main roles that Information System has played cannot be underestimated. Many organizations have been registered online; online advertisement has become a new phenomenon, and more internet users have been recruited (Loudon & Laudon, 2009). ABB is a multinational company that is based in Sweden.The organization is involved in supplying electricity and building automation products. It has an average of 7,000 employees in Sweden (ABB, 2014). Research was carried out to determine the role Management Information System had played in the organization. The study was necessary since one of its subsidiary company had adopted a new Information System. After a vigorous investigation, it was established that Information System had played five important roles that turned around the company’s fortunes (Askenas&Westelius, 2003). According to the investigators Information, system acted as a manipulator, administrative assistant, a consultant, was bureaucratic in nature, and was a changed. The Information System that was used before was very efficient.However, due to the dynamic technological environment; the company was forced to adopt a new system called Triton
Friday, September 27, 2019
Carther in the rye Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Carther in the rye - Essay Example per therefore addresses these age-related psychological states of Holden, how these states alienate him from the society, thereby slowing his psychological development. To begin with, Holden believes that the protection of innocence and especially childhood innocence is a virtue that all must uphold. For instance, he thinks of Jane Gallagher as the little girl he used to play checkers with, and not as a growing woman. He loathes the fact that some men make sexual advances towards women, some of whom, like Jane, he feels are supposed to remain pure. At one instance, Holden says, â€Å"Most guys at Pencey just talked about having sexual intercourse with girls all the time – like Ackley, for instance – but old Stradlater really did it,†(Bloom, 2007, 7.32). This statement expresses his disgust towards such behaviors. In chapter 22, a conversation between Phoebe and Holden reveals to us what he terms as the purpose of his life, that of being a catcher in the rye. He pictures children playing in a field of rye next to a cliff, and imagines that he would catch them in the event that they slip. This dream shows us that he has af fection for childhood. Finally, Holden’s obsession with profanity manifests itself when he sees obscene graffiti in school. While on his way to visiting his friend Phoebe, he sees the words ‘fuck you’ (Bloom, 2007, Cap. 25) inscribed on the wall and tries to erase them. This shows his dislike against anything that may corrupt the mind of the children. Holden also shows disgust towards what he terms the ‘phoniness’ of the adult world. Holden uses this phrase to describe such aspects as hypocrisy, pretension and shallowness. One of the things that Holden brands as phony is the movies and anything related to them. However, we observe that he watches movies not because he loves them, but due to the lack of an alternative. He also believes that people are phony because they accept middle class values, for instance, he says, â€Å"Lawyers
Thursday, September 26, 2019
I'm attaching a document. Read the background information about Essay
I'm attaching a document. Read the background information about bacteria, antibiotics, and the evolution of antibiotic resistance at this site - Essay Example water or food) and susceptible person. If any of these factors are changed or eradicated the infection will not spread widely and the epidemic will be stopped. For example we can increase immunity by the vaccination or break the way of transmission by the provision of safe food or potable water. Definite doagnosis could be provided only after laboratory tests but we can suppose several gastrointestinal diseases. There are bacterial dysentery (shigellosis), protozoal dysentery (amebiasis), salmonellosis, enteroviral infection and staphylococcal intoxication. Correspondingly possible microbial pathogens could be named as shigellae (various species and strains), amoeba hystolitica, salmonella spp., eneroviridae spp. and staphylococcus auresus. Nevertheless the incubation period for staphylococcal intoxication usually is less than 12 hours. In the described case the data about the time frame of clinical signs are omitted thus we could take this type of microbial poisoning in the account. To avoid such cases there is necessary to improve hygienic skills of family members especially in the part of cooking and food preserving, educate them about the threats of microbial food-borne diseases. Proper thermal processing of food products, avoiding food with expired date or signs of spoiling could be important also. Hand washing is a key element of infection control and there is important to provide adequate treatment for family members having chronic intestinal infections. 3. Weese JS, Rousseau J. Survival of Salmonella Copenhagen in food bowls following contamination with experimentally inoculated raw meat: effects of time, cleaning, and disinfection. Can Vet J. 2006 Sep;47(9):887-9. 5. Callaway TR, Harvey RB, Nisbet DJ. The hygiene hypothesis and foodborne illnesses: too much of a good thing, or is our food supply too clean? Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2006 Fall;3(3):217-9. No abstract
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Interest of Tree Growth along the Tagliamen River Statistics Project
Interest of Tree Growth along the Tagliamen River - Statistics Project Example Site A was the furthest upstream site, with the other sites following in an alphabetical order to the seventh, site G. Measurements were taken in two sessions; the first in 2005 and the second in 2010. 140 measurements were taken in each of the two sessions. The average tree height was 304.75 cm (std. dev. = 28.67), with the tallest being 407cm and the shortest 247 cm. The average trunk diameter for the 180 trees was 2.12 (std. dev. = 0.55), with the thickest being 5.0 cm and the thinnest 1.1 cm. The average number of annual growth rings was 8.38 (std. dev. = 3.38); the maximum is 20 and the minimum 3. Based on the ‘river data’, measurements of the various components of the river’s waters were done between the 65th and 90th years. The 90th year had the most measurements, with 19 (6.8%) occurring in that year. The 71st year had the least number of measurements (1, 0.4) recorded. Through the years, June and November recorded the lowest number of measurements taken ( 20, comprising 7.2% for each) while July and December recorded the highest number (26, comprising 9.3% for each). Most measurements were taken on the 1st day of any month (96, translating to 34.4%) while none were taken on the 21st and 25th days. The average depth of the water in the river was 0.389m (std. dev. = 0.147), with the deepest measurement taken at 0.782m and the shallowest 0.036m. The average discharge rate was 10.663m3/s (std. dev. = 4.203), with the highest rate reported at 22.653m3/s and the lowest at 3.751 m3/s. The research sought to investigate the research question: is there the significant positive correlation between the depth of water in the river and the rate of discharge reported? Correlation analysis was undertaken. The test hypothesis is: The Pearson correlation coefficient was statistically significant (à = 0.764, p < 0.001). The null hypothesis was rejected at the 5% level of significance.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Why the Culture of Supernatural is So Popular in Our Society Essay
Why the Culture of Supernatural is So Popular in Our Society - Essay Example Perhaps, it would have been a long journey down the lane of history to bear witness to the rigorous process of relaying accounts from way back the 16th century truth of ‘Bloody Mary’ and see how the modern-day belief significantly deviates from the valid main source. Thus, it is in such fashion of modified storytelling that we cease not as a society to have confidence in thought that supernatural beings cohabitate the Earth. Aside from plain communication, men have established popular media such as the TV, radio, films, and other technologically enhanced means of presenting stories that variably depict a monstrous character. Bram Stoker’s â€Å"Dracula†, M. Shelley’s â€Å"Frankenstein†, as well as S. Meyer’s â€Å"Twilight†saga that promotes a romantic vampire in Edward Cullen all converge to form the typical concept that vampires are fanged bloodsuckers who are normally on the dark side yet are capable of maintaining their you th for eternity. Because of what technology can do through audio-visual effects, the image and role portrayed by a vampire as perceived via the villainous Dracula or heroic Edward Cullen all the more gratifies the public curiosity about the authenticity, if any, of their individual myths. Hogan and Del Toro state â€Å"Science becomes the modern man’s superstition -- It allows him to experience fear and awe again, and to believe in the things he cannot see†(Del Toro & Hogan, NY Times). From the daily encounter of reality and the use of senses, one may find it hard to deny the fact that science and technology work hand-in-hand to make things possible to the extent of stimulating a human psyche toward the realization that there exists a more powerful entity than mankind. Moreover, the findings in â€Å"Why Vampires Never Die†... Aside from plain communication, men have established popular media such as the TV, radio, films, and other technologically enhanced means of presenting stories that variably depict a monstrous character. Bram Stoker’s â€Å"Dracula†, M. Shelley’s â€Å"Frankenstein†, as well as S. Meyer’s â€Å"Twilight†saga that promotes a romantic vampire in Edward Cullen all converge to form the typical concept that vampires are fanged bloodsuckers who are normally on the dark side yet are capable of maintaining their youth for eternity. Because of what technology can do through audio-visual effects, the image and role portrayed by a vampire as perceived via the villainous Dracula or heroic Edward Cullen all the more gratifies the public curiosity about the authenticity, if any, of their individual myths. Hogan and Del Toro state â€Å"Science becomes the modern man’s superstition -- It allows him to experience fear and awe again, and to believe i n the things he cannot see†(Del Toro & Hogan, NY Times). From the daily encounter of reality and the use of senses, one may find it hard to deny the fact that science and technology work hand-in-hand to make things possible to the extent of stimulating a human psyche toward the realization that there exists a more powerful entity than mankind. Moreover, the findings in â€Å"Why Vampires Never Die†suspect that humanity keeps to its core of nature an inevitable attachment to superstitious view of primitive ancestors who are pondered to have beastly and mystical traits.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Wal-Mart for a stratgic mangement and business policy essay
Wal-Mart for a stratgic mangement and business policy - Essay Example It has driven lesser retailers out of commerce; forced companies to be well-organized, commonly leading these suppliers to move industrial jobs overseas; and changed the routine that yet large and reputable productions do. Wal-Mart has existence over all the customer supplies industries that endure in the US, for the reason that it is the number-one supplier-retailer of the majority of our customer goods, not still toys, clothes, shoes but home applications, electronic goods, sporting products, food, bicycles, groceries (Anderson, 2003). Business strategy: By viewing the universal compaction and such a huge working structure of the Wal-Mart, I will suggest that they need to adopt low cost leadership theme for Wal-Mart. The reason behind this business strategy selection is that: in the present era we are facing a very hard competition from lot of competitors and the low prices Business strategy is the only solid and more attractive strategy in present environment (McCune, 1994). How this business strategy will facilitate and help the Wal-Mart in becoming a well established business? By this business strategy they can emphasize on selling high-quality. Wal-Mart low price philosophy will cut advertising expenses and reduce other expenses. It will create an image of reliability and fair play in the minds of clients. This Business strategy will become a defense against competition in the industry. Next I will present the program and main decision that they should take for the successful implementation of the strategy. They should develop a mechanism by which management controls the processes for directing, development, scheming, organizing, and controlling program operations. They should create a financial control that comprise comparison of what they have really accomplished with what they have premeditated in their budget and as such it is individual business task amongst a lot of, and encompasses but one facet of the wider practice of management
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Manufacturing and Service Technologies Essay Example for Free
Manufacturing and Service Technologies Essay Manufacturing and Service Technologies technology refers to the work processes, techniques, machines, and actions used to transform organizational inputs into outputs. One important theme in this chapter is how core technology influences organization structure. Understanding core technology provides insight into how an organization can be structured for efficient performance. Core technology is the work process that is directly related to the organization’s mission. A non-core technology is a department work process that is important to the organization but is not directly related to its primary mission. Woodward developed a scale and organized the firms according to technical complexity of the manufacturing process. Technical complexity represents the extent of mechanization of the manufacturing process. High technical complexity means most of the work is performed by machines. Woodward’s scale consists of ten categories and these categories were further consolidated into three basic technology groups: The groups are consisted of small-batch and unit production, large-batch and mass production, and continuous-process production. Small-batch production relies heavily on the human operator; it is thus not highly mechanized. The large-batch is manufacturing process characterized by long production runs of standardized parts. In continuous-process production, the entire process is mechanized. Overall, the management systems in both unit-production and continuous -process technology are characterized as organic, as defined in Chapter 4. Mass production, however, is mechanistic, with standardized jobs and formalized procedures. When adopting a new technology, realign strategy, structure, and management process to achieve top performance. Lean manufacturing uses highly trained employees at every stage of the production process, who take a painstaking approach to details and problem solving to cut waste and improve quality. Lean manufacturing techniques have been implemented in hundreds of organizations all over the world and have led to dramatic improvements in quality, productivity, and efficiency. Service technologies are different from manufacturing technologies and, in turn, require a different organization design. The most obvious difference is that service technology produces an intangible output, rather than a tangible product. Hence, service organizations may have an organization structure with fewer boundary roles, greater geo-graphical dispersion, decentralization, highly skilled employees in the technical core, and generally less control than in manufacturing organizations. The feature of service technologies with a distinct influence on organizational structure and control systems is the need for technical core employees to be close to the customer. The impact of customer contact on organization structure is reflected in the use of boundary roles and structural disaggregation. The text also introduces Non-Core Departmental technology, as the section that shifts to the department level of analysis for departments not necessarily within the technical core. The framework that has had the greatest impact on the understanding of departmental technologies was developed by Charles Perrow. Perrow specified two dimensions of departmental activities: Variety and Analyzability. Variety is the frequency of unexpected and novel events that occur in the conversion process. Analyzability is when the work can be reduced to the mechanical steps and participants can follow an objective, computational procedure to solve problems. The dimensions of variety and analyzability form the basis for four major categories of technology: routine, craft, engineering, and nonroutine. (Daft) The text discusses both core and non-core work processes and their relationship to designing organization structure. The nature of the organization’s work processes must be considered in designing the organization for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The text illustrates that forces affecting organization design come from both outside and inside the organization. External strategic needs create top-down pressure for designing the organization in such a way as to fit the environment and accomplish goals. This illustrates that today’s companies is that strategy, structure, and technology need to be aligned, especially when competitive conditions change. For example, several years ago, Dell created a business model to uild personal computers faster and cheaper, other computer manufacturers had to realign strategy, structure, and technology to stay competitive. Dell made PCs to order for each customer and sold most of them directly to consumers without expense of distributers or retailers. IBM for example, tried to differentiate their products and charge a premium price switched to a low-cost strategy, adopted new technology to enable them to customize PCs, revamped supply chains, and began outsourcing manufacturing to other companies that could do the job more efficiently.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Bladerunner - Humanity and Nature Essay Example for Free
Bladerunner Humanity and Nature Essay The central theme of Bladerunner is the relationship between humanity and nature. More specifically it has a purpose in showing how science can negatively influence this fragile relationship. Set in Los Angeles of 2019 we see the decadence of western society into an inhumane harsh impersonal, technology-dominated realm. The inhabitants who fight for their daily survival are in desperate want for nature, contact with which is denied to them by the unrestricted scientific progress and the consequent exploitation of the natural world conducted for the sole purpose of profit. Humanity is also losing touch with its own nature. The compassion, the empathy, the love and the emotion are all rare or absent. This ailing relationship between humanity and nature is conveyed through the means of scene setting, dialogue, plot, camera techniques and other film features. All these elements of cinematography synthesise to create an effective portrayal of the unifying theme. In Bladerunner the most prominent element of cinematography is mise en scene. It generates a context for the film and therefore makes the plot and themes acceptable. To set an appropriate scene different variables need to be controlled. These variables include location, props, lighting and colour. In general the location of the plot is in the vast urban canyons of 2019 LA. The imposing dark buildings, the dirty fog, perpetual rain and the crowded dark streets devoid of vegetation make up the backdrop of most scenes. All this is filmed in dark lighting, which complements the effect produced by the fog in obscuring the living details. From this the responder acknowledges the deterioration of society, the harsh conditions that the humans are subjected to and the way the human spirit itself is progressively destroyed under such conditions. Filming such a location at night provides the director with the opportunity to use chiaroscuro (a technique of strong contrast) to further convey the dominance of technology over humanity. For example in outdoor scenes the garish flickering neons are obtrusively visible but they fail to illuminate the obscure, dark, fogged surroundings, including the multitudes of faceless people. The prominent visibility of artificial things over human presence together with the qualities of the location indicates the degradation of human life under the rule of science. The clothing worn by characters is an important choice made as part of setting the scene. Most of the street people wear hooded dark clothing covering their whole body. This is possibly to protect them from the rain but it also hides their faces and their eyes from the camera and from us, creating an impersonal atmosphere in conjunction with the harshness of the surroundings. We get a feeling that everyone hides from everyone else and human interpersonal interaction is limited to the bare necessity. Sometimes the style of clothing worn by characters tells us something about the characters themselves. For example the trenchcoat style garments worn by Deckard are a throwback to the ? 20s and ? 30s detective genre in film, and the responder instantly sees Deckard as such. There are times when the clothing worn gives us an insight into the themes of the film. When we first see meet Racheal (and we think she is a human), her outfit with geometric power dressing shape, the black hues and the perfect hair create an impression of power and efficiency, qualities that are valued in androids. The next time we meet her we see her in a fur coat and underneath, a soft white blouse. Then when she lets her hair down the transformation is complete. By now we know that she is a replicant and for a replicant to be so human is ironic when the ? real humans dont show such qualities. This irony elucidates the deteriorated nature of humanity very effectively. The film is not only able to show the way humanity has lost contact with nature but also how much they appreciate and want it back in their society. The unicorn dream-scene conveys this effectively. The soft back lighting, the low tonal contrast, the colour and the lush vegetation create a setting that is very different to the usual scenes. It is contrasted with real world to further reinforce the lack of nature in society. The short length of the scene, and the fact that the scene is only Deckards dream, conveys the elusiveness of nature and shows us that humans still ? dream of having the presence of nature back in their world-weary lives. Another method used by the cinematographers to show the want for nature is through the presence of artificial animals. While the artificiality of the animals shows the destruction of nature the way humans still keep them as pets conveys their yearning to bring back nature. The decay of human spirit is also shown through the dialogue. In Bladerunner the scarcity of the dialogue itself potrays the lack of human interaction and consequently the lack of empathy or emotion. Characters only speak when it is necessary for their own survival and comfort but not for the sake of emotional involvement. However, the replicant slaves, who supposedly feel no emotion, interact more sensitively with each other. This irony again has the effect of showing the dehumanisation suffered by this society. The absence of nature and the way society deals with this is revealed through the way they refer to nature. For example at Tyrells office Decker asks Racheal if the owl is artificial, to which she replies of course it is. A similar conversation that occurs later between Salome (Zhora) and Decker about artificial snakes, further reinforcing the sad truth. Another common literary language feature that is used in Bladerunner is symbolism. The film is filled with visual symbolic codes. The unicorn, a mythical creature, which, according to myth, is a fragile and elusive being of beauty known for its rarity. In the film it symbolises the rarity of nature and its beauty and fragility. There are other symbols that signify the elusive presence of nature in human life. One is the unnaturally weak and indistinct sun. The sun is the source of all life on earth and natures sustaining energy. The weakened presence of the sun is possibly due to the fog but the importance lies not in the cause of the weakness. The dim sun is an indication that nature is being destroyed or is already destroyed. Another symbol is the motif of the human eye. Close to the beginning of the film we are presented with an ECU of Holdens eye reflecting bursts of flame. The fiery human spirit. The motif carries on throughout the film, the close up of eyes during the Voigt-Kampff tests, Mr Chews eye shop, the glowing eyes of the owl and the gruesome death of Tyrell. In many cases we encounter human figures whose eyes are hidden. The important example is Tyrell whose eyes are hidden by the thick glasses, but this is also true for the little people or the street people. If the eyes symbolise the human spirit then it is also true that the concealment of the eyes represent the destruction of this spirit. The characters and the way they respond to events in the plot is the most significant way through which the creators of the film express their concerns about the relationship between humanity and nature. It is through the characters and the way they are influenced by the society in which they live that the audience are able to receive the majority of information about that society. To make up a character the director (Ridley Scott) has to synthesis the acting, the physical qualities of the actors, the costume, the lighting and the camera work. Harrison Ford plays Deckard; a Detective who is forced to put up in insensitive wall around him so as to carry out his job properly, but with the help of Racheal and Batty his soul comes through. The seriousness, the no-nonsense speech and the mechanical execution of his tasks all contribute to this image of a tough guy cop. It is also sad to see that he is forces hide his emotions and sentiments for the sake of survival in this harsh world. By the end of the film we sense that if Batty and Racheal had not saved him his spirit would have been lost under the pressure. Rutger Hauer has possibly the most appropriate natural qualities to play Roy Batty (robot? ). The ? Aryan look, a western cultural assumption of superiority and the Swedish accent with the concise overtones which is particularly effective in a quiet voice make him the perfect super/sub-human replicant. To enhance the effect the hair is died white, his body and face is always lit up to prominence, and almost always the image is shot from underneath making him look surrealistically handsome and at the same time imposing. However the way he responds to the events in the plot show that he has more ? humanity in him that the people who consider themselves human. The most memorable instance is they way he moaned for the death of Pris. He is not ashamed to return to the most basic instinct of openly showing emotion. This beautiful scene along with other such human responses from a replicant serves to convey the suppression of human nature in the society. Rachael is played by Sean Young as the replicant who doesnt know she is an android. The characters function is similar to that of Batty. To show the deterioration of everything ? human in the world of 2019. Her transformation itself carries the message. When she thought she was a human her conduct was much like a robot; the emotionless soulless state of mind everyone is in. But once she begins to realise that she is replicant her appearance becomes increasingly ? human. This humanisation is portrayed through the use of costumes, the use of varying light and the use of ECU. Tyrell is the other character who has an important function in conveying the themes. Genuinely lacking emotions or empathy, his main objective is the profit margin. He is part of the corporate dictatorship that has suppressed the spirit of the people and destroyed the natural world. His character is the total antitheses of Batty. The overconfidence in his intelligence, the impersonal way in which he addresses other characters, the opulent surrounding in which he lives show him as powerful tyrant. The irony is that he holds the status of God when he is not even fit to be a human. Thus through the development of characters and their response to the events of the plot, Ridley Scott and the actors communicate the way relationship between humanity and nature has evolved (deteriorated) into the world of 2019 LA. In effect all the techniques mentioned above portray a society of individuals who are weary of the world they live in. They are rejects who lead a pitiful existence in a wasteland called earth because they are not fit enough to go the out-world colonies. Suppressing their own natural instincts for the sake of physically surviving they really the walking dead. Scientific progress conducted not for the best interests of humanity but for the best interests of business has effectively brought about the progressive degradation of society. By exploiting and destroying the natural world human can no more find solace or beauty so as to recuperate their weary minds and rekindle their dying spirits. In summary the techniques that are unique to film such as camera, lighting, costuming, colour and location works in conjunction with common literary techniques such as visual symbolism, irony and characterisation to effectively convey the relationship between humanity and nature.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Global Business Strategy Of Bmw Group Marketing Essay
The Global Business Strategy Of Bmw Group Marketing Essay The motor industry always is the most famous industry in the worldwide, because the development of global economy increasingly lead to human cannot live without cars. As a result, the demand of the market brings more intense competition in the industry. Meanwhile, the Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG) is a renowned motorcar and motorcycle company in the world. The major products positioning of BMW is premium segments of cars in the global motor market. Its main competitor is Daimler Motor Company with the famous brand called Mercedes-Benz which also concentrates on the same market segment. The overview of BMW Group The origin of BMW Group Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW) is a German motorcar, motorcycle and engine manufacturer which was founded in 1917 by the first chairman Franz Josef Popp. It is headquartered in Munich, Germany. BMWs history can trace its roots back to 1916. Gustav Otto established the Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke AG (BFW) which was the Predecessor of BMW in 1916. In 1917, BFW renamed to BMW and also converted into a public limited company (AG) in next year 1918. During the First World War, as a quartermaster supply manufacturer, BMW established a large factory, which near the military airport in the outskirts of Munich. It continued to manufacture military aircraft engines for the military until 1918. In 1922, BMW merged BFW and became the BMW AG which we are familiar with today. However, when people trace the history of the company, the companys official statement is based on the founding data of BFW factory 7, March, 1916, as the birthday of BMW. In the start-up phase, BMW has focused on the development and production of aircraft engines. BMWs blue and white flag is a symbol of the rotation of the propeller, the portrayal of this is the companys early history. In 1923, the advent of the first BMW motorcycle has been produced by the company. Five years later, in 1928, BMW acquired the Eisenach car factory began producing cars. After integration of resources, BMW AG launched the first car which named Dixi 3/15. At the same time, BMW started its own legendary in the automotive industry and created several masterpieces in the history of its car manufacturers which appeared to the market. These products continue to inspire strong feelings and peoples desire to create an excellence reputation of BMW AG as a car manufacturer. From 1916 to 2013 by the first day of an aircraft engine manufacturer developed into a company of premium motorcar and motorcycle-oriented, that BMW was ranked the top twenty motor company of the world. Its pro cess of development is similar to Japanese Daihatsu Motor Company. The current status of the BMW Group Nowadays, BMW Group not only produce its own brand BMWs motor car, but also owns and produces the brand of MINI and owns a subsidiary which named Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. In the aspect of motorcycle production, there is a motorcycle brand is now known as BMW Motorrad which continue to produce the High performance motorcycle for BMW group. What is more, it also provides financial services, include the relationship of customer and supply chain management. BMW has always been based on a premium brand which is the foundation of business success. There are three brands in BMW Group including BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce. These brands aim at the premium market in each segment from small cars to top luxury sedans. BMW Group has become the only manufacturer which focuses on high-end cars and motorcycles in the world. In present, BMW Group which has 24 production facilities and assembly plants in 14 countries and its business network across 120 countries around the world. Meanwhile, there are 12 Research and Development (RD) plants in 5 countries around the world by BMW. On the one hand, there are several series under the brand of BMW, such as 1, 3, 5, 7, Z and M series. It also has productions of MINI and Rolls-Royce. On the other hand, there are having C, F and R Series under the BMW Motorrad in terms of motorcycle production. Currently, BMW AG continues to thrive, but not without setbacks. BMW AG has always been known for its emphasis on technological innovation and continues to set new standards for high-performance luxury car. At the same time, BMW Group company attaches great importance to the safety and environmental issues. The company has earned a reputation for its performance of active safety and passive safety; include Fully Integrated Road Safety Technology (F.I.R.S.T.). The global business strategy of BMW Group Mercedes-Benzs success factors are based on its history and accumulation of experience. Audis success is because the classic brand revival. Compare with other brands, the brand strategy is the key point to the success of BMW. BMW gives a special significance for its own brand through the implementation of brand strategy. Unlike Mercedes-Benz has a long history, BMW been originally a manufacture aircraft engine for the German air force. In the 1960s, it was the smallest car company in Germany. BMW rose in the world since the 1980s. But at that time, Mercedes-Benz as the market leader of the traditional premium luxury motorcar stick to the luxury car market in the world with the accumulation of traditional brand image and market advantages, which pose some significant obstacles to the market penetration of BMW luxury car series. Deeply influenced by the high technology of German, the manufactured technology of BMW can also compete with Mercedes-Benz. But, more efforts need to be spared to its value and brands compared with Benz. There are some negative effects to BMWs brand. At that time, forming a good brand image is a big challenge for BMW. The global marketing strategies of BMW Group The BMW Group is committed to produce the outstanding and distinctive products. It also tries to gain the maximum market share in the luxury car market around the world. Through unremitting efforts for years, BMW Group has created an excellent international brand image in the world. However, the creation of a well-known brand image of the world does not mean that it can be marketed in some particular market successfully. In order to satisfy the different requirements of the different local markets, BMW Group decided to adopt a centralized and unified brand strategy which be carried out by different country. It is the marketing strategy system which called global branding and localised marketing. The following are the different marketing strategies taken by BMW Group in three major markets, including European, American and Asian markets. Localised marketing in the European market BMW AG is an export-oriented motor company in German. There are 70% of its production is exported. The orders of exports mainly concentrated in the highly industrialized countries, such as the European Union countries, Japan and the United States. 1st January, 1993 is the date which marked the formation of European market integration. After that, most of car manufacturers have adjusted their sales network of the European Economic Community (EEC) market. On the surface, the description of the companys customer structure information seems to indicate that the companys target groups are similar. Those customers who choose BMW are basically with higher education. They are either in high positions or free professional. Both of them are the high-income people. However, these things are not as simple as this situation. Although the existing target markets of BMW Group concentrated in the industrialized countries, there also are a number of European countries with relatively developed agriculture industry in its target market. In these countries, peoples lifestyles are different with the disparity of living standards. In terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, the difference between the rich and poor regions is more than five times. Thus, there is no same preferences and purchasing power of consumers in Europe. The Management Act of EEC integration came into effect on 1st January, 1993, but the personality characteristics of the p eople will not be erased, it also will not let the different nationalities eliminate the difference in spirit. In view of this, BMW Group should implement the marketing strategy which can be adapted to the local market. The demand of European customers The first step in the formation of the marketing strategy is Conducting market research. Market research task is to determine the ideal positioning of BMW in Europe. The ultimate aim of the in-depth study of the differences between the different countries is to identify the language issues and acceptable brand features from these countries by organizing a series of group discussions. Finally, BMW Group found out that some important situation would not be understood without these problems happened. For instance, some purchasers who are from Dutch and Italy expect cars have its own special factors, but they hold totally different opinions about those factors. There are several requirements all over the Europe when customers consider to purchase a car, such as reliability, safety, quality and advanced technology. BMW Group refer to these requirements as the basic requirements of company. On the one hand, in the initial stages of the purchase decision, those motorcar products that be deemed to inconformity with above requirements will be eliminated from the list of purchasers option. On the other hand, it is considered to be an excellent car if comply with above requirements in all European countries. After the above-mentioned basic research, the next step is to choose the type of car for the special requirements of the country, also the countrys climatic conditions should be considered together. In the Netherlands, the attractiveness of the car depends on the quality of its internal, such as excellent internal configuration. In contrast, due to the concept of Austrian Drivers are stronger than any other country, Austrians prefer to drive a car which can show their self-confidence. In Italy, people hope that the vehicles are able to comply with the personal style of the driver. Italian have high requirements for their cars which including its design, aesthetics standard and the engine performance. Therefore it can shows that the Italians car pursuit are totally different from other countries. In view of the basic requirements is coincident when people purchasing a car in all European countries. Take some European countries for example, if a car be approved is excellent by French, it also have same opinion from Austrian and Dutch. Obviously, there is just a little difference that is the specific expectations of the car due to the different point of view from different countries. Therefore, BMW Group believe that it is a problem of communication ultimately if the motor products to be successfully marketed in many European countries. BMW Group deeply know that it need to pay more attention to the customers rather than the vehicles. Even though these customers might have some common view of the motorcar in terms of the same nation. But for individually, every customer wants to show their personal style is totally different. It is in this sense, these people are constituted the target audiences in the market segment of BMW who are from different countries and hold the similar requirements. The scale and characteristics of the various types of customers have been mastered by BMW Group. Also, on the core target market of the BMWs brand which can be determined according to the blueprint of enterprise strategy. BMW Group are most interested in different types of its products could be sold in some particular countries. On the one hand, there are some types of motorcar and motorcycle enthusiasts has a large proportion in each country, such as it has a large proportion of the sporty performance car drivers and normal car lovers in Italy, France, the Netherlands and Austria. Thus, the strategy of global branding have the direct attractiveness for above two types of enthusiasts. On the other hand, according to the composition of different motorists from different countries. There are many motorists who come from different countries support a certain conception in the different thought. Such as there about seventy percent of traditional drivers in France currently, but only ten percent in Italy in this situation. Obviously, the important thing is the marketing strategy which called localised marketing. The research by BMW Group found out that the drivers of BMWs products are always have several same requirements, including the superior design, excellent driving performance, modern technology and unique personality. These BMWs drivers from different countries have views in common that is the original idea for BMW Groups global strategy. Application of the results of market research in Europe The result of market research provide a strong basis for the marketing strategy which called global branding and localised marketing. In addition, BMW Group Company could find the best strategic direction through the organic combination of positioning criteria. The positioning principles and the research result are essential when BMW use a modern way to rebuild its international positioning. The previous method was unilateral consider the characteristics of technical capability and the advancement. The new method is extend to embrace some personal characteristics such as emotional factors, aesthetic value, sophisticated ideas and distinctive personality. It is broke through the emphasis on technology and sporty style, as the BMW traditional image. Thereby it is greatly increasing the pathway of expansion its brand. The formation and implementation of BMWs new brand strategy is built on the basis of the scientific market research. The results of market research provide a solid foundation for the relationships between the brand and products, brand and communication as well as products and environment. Meanwhile, it also solve the marketing problems between the BMW Groups headquarter and local branch companies. Thus, the strategy of global branding and localised marketing as a best method which can improve the strategic position of the brand and strengthen the companys competitiveness greatly. In addition to the European market, BMW Group has achieved considerable success in which this method is used in North American market and Japanese market. To gain the US market by innovation advertising The progress of BMW Group was not smooth when it enter the American market. Early as 1974 years ago, the first BMW branch company has been established in the United States. But its popularity has been low, even many local consumers mistakenly believe that BMW is the product of the United Kingdom at that moment. However, during 1974 to 1978, BMW cars has become the famous brand cars which could represent the customers identity and social status through its smart advertising campaign in United States. In the late 1980s, United States appeared a new marketing environment of low-price revolution, at the same time the Japanese premium motorcar brand was began to seize the American market share with BMW. BMW maintained and enhanced its brand position through its advertising strategy. Therefore, the advertising of BMW is smart method in the marketing warfare of expansion international emerging market. Advertising positioning: from comfortable to driving In 1974, in order to expand the potential market of BMW cars in the United States, BMW Company has invested heavily in United States to establish their own sales channels, and carried out a large number of advertising campaigns simultaneously. In the same year, Ammirati Puris Lintas advertising company won the contracts worth of nine hundred thousand States dollars when it participated in the BMW advertising bidding. At that time, there are a large number of competitors in the North American motor market, such as Cadillac b brand car with the sales of over one millions, 90000 vehicles sales of the Lincoln Motor Company as well as Mercedes-Benz with sales of 40000 vehicles. If BMW want to be successful in the North American market, it must seize the market share from these competitors. In order to test the brand image of BMW in the minds of consumers, Ammirati Puris Lintas advertising company conducted a survey in the western United States. It is a picture shows that a BMW car was parked with a Cadillac car and a Lincoln car together by Ammirati Puris Lintas to test the people reaction in the survey. The survey results shows that almost all of them had no favourable impression for the brand of BMW because their own car have some advanced equipment which does not provide in BMWs cars, such as power windows, leather seat and chrome-plated body. Due to BMW did not have a successful strategy of brand promotion, the excellent driving performance and elaborate interior design of BMW didnt attract the attention of people. Faced with above situation, the Ammirati Puris Lintas is decided that positioned the target market for the post-war new young generation. Compared with those old people who got used to buy Cadillac, the new generation desire a new brand to show their values. The values are including their personality, pursuits and preferences. BMWs excellent driving performance and elaborate interior design coincided with the consumer psychology of the post-war new generation, who have the enthusiasm and pursuit of stimulate. Therefore, BMW competed with other motorcar companies through taken the advantages of its driving performance rather than simply in the power windows, leather seats and chrome car body in the new market. Tagline The Ultimate Driving Machine. In 1970s, BMW of North America start used the tagline The Ultimate Driving Machine which created by Ammirati Puris Lintas advertising agency company. This tagline shows that being a real premium car must have excellent driving performance and also emphasizes the unique selling point of BMW. The advertising theme and positioning achieved great success because the tagline highlights the differences and advantages of the BMW and attracted the new generation with the extremely vitality. à ©Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¦Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¯Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¦Ã‚  ®: Swot: English essay: à ¥Ã‚ ¾Ã‚ ·Ãƒ §Ã‚ ³Ã‚ »Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ¢â‚¬Å¾: Ammirati Puris Avrutick Inc.:
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Walter Elias Disney Essay -- Biography Biographical Disney Essays
Walter Elias Disney Disney has become a household name in American society, but most people are not aware of Walt Disney's struggles before becoming one of the twentieth century's most prominent and successful animators and film directors. Walt Disney is best know for his characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Goofy, and Minnie Mouse, but his company can also be credited with achievements such as the first fully synchronized sound picture, "Steamboat Willie", the first full-color animation, "Flowers and Trees", and the first full-length animated movie, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois to Elias Disney and Flora Call. Walt was the youngest of four boys before his younger sister was born. At the age of five, he moved with his family away from the city to a farm near Marceline, Missouri. Walt loved his years on the farm, and his first drawings were of his beloved farm animals. Paper was scarce in the Disney household, so Walt's original drawings were done on toilet paper, one reason why his earliest works were never preserved. Around the time when Walt was eight, his mother gathered enough money to buy him a book for his drawings. Walt's father became ill, and during Elias's recovery, the Disney's three youngest children, Flora, and Elias moved to Kansas City. For more income, Elias forced Walt and his older brother and future partner Roy, to deliver newspapers. Even though there was an age difference of ten years between Walt and Roy, the brothers always remained very close. After Roy ran away, the youngest two children and the Disney parents moved again, back to Chicago, where Walt become the junior editor of his high school news paper "The Voice."... ...ied on December 15, 1966 from cancer, while Walt Disney World, in Florida, was under construction. Walt saw his company rise to greatness, but never in his wildest dreams could he imagine the legacy that he left in this world. Today, the renamed Disney Company still produces full-length animated features that children all over the world enjoy, and trips to Disney theme parks have become pilgrimages for the young and old alike. Works Cited: "Disney, Walt." Encyclopedia Britanica. Eliot, M., 1993: Walt Disney:Hollywood's Dark Prince. Carol Publishing Group. New York, NY. Mosley, L., 1985: Disney's World. Stein and Day Inc., New York, NY. Thomas, f. and O. Johnston, 1981: The Illusion of Life:Disney Animation. Hyperion, New York, NY. "Timeline."
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Gender Roles in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays
Gender Roles in The Yellow Wallpaper      In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story "The Yellow Wallpaper," the reader is treated to an intimate portrait of developing insanity. At the same time, the story's first person narrator provides insight into the social attitudes of the story's late Victorian time period. The story sets up a sense of gradually increasing distrust between the narrator and her husband, John, a doctor, which suggests that gender roles were strictly defined; however, as the story is just one representation of the time period, the examination of other sources is necessary to better understand the nature of American attitudes in the late 1800s. Specifically, this essay will analyze the representation of women's roles in "The Yellow Wallpaper" alongside two other texts produced during this time period, in the effort to discover whether Gilman's depiction of women accurately reflects the society that produced it.  "The Yellow Wallpaper" features an unnamed female narrator who serves to exemplify the expectations placed upon women of the time period. As we are told early on, she is suffering from a "nervous condition" (Gilman 1). While we are not told the specific nature of this condition, we do discover that the cure prescribed by John, the narrator's husband and doctor, entails taking "phosphates or phosphites--whichever it is, and tonics, and journeys, and air, and exercise" while intellectual "work" is "absolutely forbidden Ãâ€" until [she is] well again"  (Gilman 1). This poses a particular problem for the narrator, due to her desire to write, which she continues to do "in spite of them," and causes her to hide her writing to avoid facing "heavy opposition" (Gilman 1). The treatment to which t... ...Mitchell, seems all the more plausible. After all, her socially-defined role as the dutiful wife and mother was being constrained by her inability to withstand the treatment foisted upon her by a man trained to disregard his patients' feelings. As a woman, she had no socially sanctioned way to respond to the problems she faced. Rather than wonder, as John does throughout the story, why his wife is becoming increasingly deranged, readers of this story should only wonder why, given the mores of the time period, there weren't far more stories like it.  Works Cited Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper." English 101 Homepage. August 1999 . Mitchell, S. Weir. The Evolution of the Rest Treatment. English 101 Course Packet. Chico: Mr Kopy, 1999. Power, Susan. The Ugly-Girl Papers. English 101 Course Packet. Chico: Mr Kopy, 1999.  Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
3g networks
â€Å"Knock , Knock. Who's There? It's the Papparzzi†In 1960 Federico Fellini directed a film intitled â€Å"La Dole Vlta†. In the film actor Walter Santesso plays a news photographer named ‘Paparazzo'. Little did any of them know the term ‘paparazzo' would be a staple in households and news lines everywhere. In today's times the paparazzi are considered to be rutheless photographers who will do anything to get a snapshot of a celebrity or athelete. Whether it be them leaving practice or a movie set, going out to clubs at night, grocery shopping, or even walking their kids to school.Some say paparazzi are down right (excuse my french) assholes. Standing in line at the supermarket or walking down the streets in some cities, we see magazines or tabloids that have celebrites faces plastered on them in sometimes disapproving situations. We never wonder how the pictures got taken or what lengths it took to get such an amazing or sometimes horrid shot. In June of 2005, then 18 year old Lindsay Lohan's car was hit by photographer Galo Cesar Ramirez who was trying to follow her. In an interview she said â€Å"A line needs to be drawn in terms of getting violent. †She then Joined other celebs includingCameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake in trying to prevent the â€Å"pap†from invading their personal space. In several instances the paparazzi claim the First Amendment, which prohibits the making of any law abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, or interfering with the right to peaceably assemble. It is very hard for a celebrity to not seem like a hyprocrite when asking for the paparazzi to leave them alone. When leaving your â€Å"normal†life behind to partake in the lavish yet dangerous life of being famous, there are some things that comes with the erritory.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Differences Between Homogeneous Nucleation and Heterogeneous Nucleation
Newey and Weaver described nucleation as a process that must occur in a system, undergoing a phase transition, before the formation of another phase (Royce). This process is called homogeneous nucleation if it occurs away from any boundaries. On the other hand, heterogeneous nucleation takes place on a surface, interface, dislocation or other defect in the material. In addition, the latter type is favored because it requires a lower free energy change to form the initial stable nucleus where others can adhere resulting an increase in size (cited in Royce).During nucleation, the atoms are forming nano-sized solid clusters. In homogeneous nucleation, clustering occurs above the melting of the metal (Tm) turns back into the liquid state due to its stability on that phase while clustering below Tm can lead to crystallization-nuclei formation if its size reaches stability against melting (Iqbal 3). High solid-liquid interface surface energy is a thermodynamic hindrance in nucleation. Due to this energy barrier, foreign materials are added to serve as nucleation sites. These nucleation sites have lower surface energy, thus, increases the nucleation rate.The stable nuclei then grow into an equiaxed and finer grain structure (Iqbal 3). Moreover, nucleation is a kinetic process wherein atoms of the melted metal form into clusters within the liquid medium at solidification temperature (Iqbal 9). These clusters act as crystallization nuclei where other atoms adhere and solidify. The rate of nucleation process is directly affected by the difference between the equilibrium melting temperature (Tm) and the freezing temperature (Tf) or undercooling. As a rule of thumb, a higher undercooling yields higher nucleation rate. Nucleation MechanismBen Best discussed that mixtures of some metals, like copper and nickel, both in liquid and solid states are highly soluble in all given concentration. Since both copper and nickel have similar crystal structures and atomic radii, in the c ooling process the particles formed have properties imparted by both of these metals. This metal mixture type is called isomorphous. In contrast to this, the mixture of lead and tin is eutectic because of partial solubility of these metals in the solid state. Unlike copper and nickel, lead and tin have different crystal structures and atomic radii.This is the reason why the solid lead-tin alloy can only consist of 2. 5% lead and 19. 2% tin their maximum composition by weight. In addition, a eutectic mixture has composition that completely liquefies at eutectic temperature. For lead-tin mixture, the eutectic composition is 61. 9% that has a eutectic temperature of 183 ºC. This property makes lead-tin mixture as a good soldering agent. Metals typically solidify as crystals at a temperature lower than its melting temperature (Best). The difference in melting and solidification temperatures is called as the maximum undercooling.This undercooling is the effect of pure metal crystalliza tion. During the crystallization process, the nucleation of small particles or crystallization nuclei occurs first then the adherence of other particles on these nuclei follows. As such, other surrounding particles tend to dissolve it back into the liquid phase. Successful fusion into the crystal releases heat which causes other adjacent atoms to dissolve. This means that the high fusion of a metal reflects its tendency for a high solidification temperature and maximum undercooling (Best).The energy affects the dissolution process with respect to the surface area of the nucleus while energy variation favoring nucleus growth is a factor of volume proportion (Best). Surface area varies with the square of the radius, whereas volume varies with the cube of the radius. Thus, a large crystal is not susceptible to surface dissolution. In addition, a metal at a specific temperature has a critical radius size. Radius bigger than the critical radius tend to increase in size while smaller radi us is susceptible to dissolution.Nonetheless, lower temperature facilitates the attainment of the critical radius (Best). Further, crystallization may occur in less undercooling if a higher melting point metal with similar crystal structure to and insoluble at the melting temperature of the original metal is added (Best). The crystal growth around these insoluble nuclei is referred to as heterogeneous nucleation. In heterogeneous nucleation, specific sites in a material catalyze the nucleation process through the reduction of the critical free energy of nucleation (?Gc) (Balluffi, Allen, and Carter 477).It is always in kinetic competition with homogeneous nucleation wherein the faster rate mechanism prevails. The lower value of ?Gc supports heterogeneous nucleation while the greater number of potential nucleation sites favors homogeneous nucleation. Moreover, by means of the nucleation rate expressed as J = Z ßc N exp[-?Gc /(kT )], regimes of temperature, supersaturation, relativ e interfacial energies, and microstructure in which one nucleation mechanism occurs can be predicted.When a small particle deposits on the grain boundaries, edges or corners of a polycrystalline microstructures such as grain boundaries, edges or corners, these crystal imperfections will be eliminated with an associated free-energy decrease lowering ?Gc (Balluffi, Allen, and Carter 477). Solidification in Metals The solidification of metals and their alloys starts when a welded small portion of metal melts and resolidifies (â€Å"Phase Transformation†). Homogeneous nucleation occurs when there are no other chemical species involved in a nucleation process.For instance when a pure liquid metal is slowly cooled below its equilibrium m freezing temperature to a sufficient degree numerous homogeneous nuclei are created by slow-moving atoms bonding together in a crystalline form. While the involvement of other chemical species to favor nucleation results to heterogeneous nucleation . Solidification is a crucial stage in metallurgical processes such as in ingot casting, continuous casting, squeeze casting, pressure casting, atomization (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25).This is also an important stage in secondary manufacturing processes such as welding, soldering, brazing, cladding and sintering. For the properties of the product largely depend on the mechanical properties and the microstructure of the different phases. The microstructure of the products on the other hand, is affected by thermal and solutal processing conditions and thermodynamic and kinetics factors of the materials (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25). Solidification involves heat extraction through diffusion and convection processes, and solid-liquid interface movement.In addition, the microstructure solidification is a complex process affected by the rate of solidification (v), temperature gradient (G), composition (C) and kinetics factors such as phase equilibrium reactions, nucleation and gr owth, and crystallographic constraints (Phanikumar and Chattopadhyay 25). Solidification and Mechanical Properties Industrial treatments such as rolling or forging, alloying and thermal treatment are done to metals to strengthen their mechanical properties.For instance, pure aluminum has a tensile strength of around 13,000 pounds per square inch (psi), however, by cold-working its strength is approximately doubled. This can also be done by adding alloying metals such as manganese, silicon, copper, magnesium and zinc. Similarly, heat treatment makes the tensile strength of aluminum over 100, 000 psi (â€Å"Property Modification†n. p. ). Plastic or permanent deformation of crystalline materials is largely affected by the tendency of dislocation within the material. Thus, restraining the dislocation movement improves its strength.This is done by controlling the grain size, strain hardening, and alloying (â€Å"Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms†). In the material science engineering, a grain is a crystal with unsmooth faces due to the deferred growth in contact with a boundary (â€Å"Solidification†). The grain boundary is the interface between grains. Atoms in this region are disordered, hence, no crystalline structure. The different orientation of adjacent grains within the material, the boundary between grains hinders the dislocation movement and the resulting slip.The solidification rate controls the size and number of grains. Smaller grains denote shorter distances between atoms that can move in a slip plane, thus, improving the strength of the material (â€Å"Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms†). The improvement of metallic strength is done through strain or work hardening or cold-working. In plastic deformation of metals, the movement of dislocations produces additional dislocations (â€Å"Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms†). These dislocations interact, pin or tangle resulting to decline in dislocations movement and ca uses material strengthening.This strengthening is called as cold-working for the occurrence of plastic deformation is at low temperature which impedes atom movements. However, cold-working process reduces the ductility of metals. On the other hand, when the process is done at higher temperature, the atoms rearrange to improve material strength (â€Å"Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms†). Since cold-working process reduces ductility, thermal or heat treatment is used to remove its effect. The strengthening gained through the cold-working will be lost if the strain hardened materials are exposed at higher temperatures.Recovery, re-crystallization, and grain growth may occur during the heat treatment (â€Å"Strengthening/Hardening Mechanisms†). Nucleation and Mechanical Properties The number of nucleation sites for the freezing metal affects the grain structure of the solid metal product. Few number of nucleation sites means smaller number of crystallization nuclei, hence , large-grain or coarse structure results. An increase in nucleation site numbers, on the other hand, yields fine-grain structure because a lot of crystallization nuclei are available for the dissolve phase attach and solidify.Fine grain structure is the most desired product for strength and uniformity in metal production (Poster and Easterling 125). An ideal crystal has a perfect crystalline structure and characterized by a regular repetitive lattice in any space direction. However, crystalline materials have crystallographic defects. Minor crystal defect may impart significant metallic properties. The conductivity of silicon, for instance, is doubled when it is contaminated with 10-8 percent mass of boron (Tisza 107).There are several properties that can be identified based on the ideal lattice structure such as thermal and electrical conductivities, and specific heat. These are called as structure-insensitive properties. However, there are structure-sensitive properties such as m echanical properties that are hardly predicted on the basis of ideal crystal structure. The discrepancy between the ideal and real crystal structures result to the large differences in theoretical and experimental computation of properties (Tisza 107).
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Creative Critical Response to King Lear
Creative Critical Response King Lear- 2011 Production- Lyceum Theatre As the lights of the theatre dimmed and the stage was lit up, a roar of applause broke out over the audience. The stage production of Shakespeare’s King Lear has been long awaited by many critics and Ian McKellan’s performance does not disappoint. The opening scenes reflect the opposite of what was due to come further in the play, coming from warm, homely and loving acting on stage to pure cruelty and terror.When Lear viciously banishes his loyalties, such a stir is caused by all actors on stage, that even the 21st century audience are shocked, despite it probably being a lot more shocking in 19th Century. Ian McKellan and his â€Å"tigers for daughters†make this play come alive. The audience focused only on them, feeling like being in another world. The vivid scenes of the play, such as the blinding of Gloucester, brought terror to the faces of the audience.The screams of Gloucester rebounded off the walls of the theatre, even hours after the end of the play. Without the incredible acting from these characters, the audience would not have had the same experience of the theatre. Ian McKellan gives the performance of his life, showing the downfall of King Lear convincingly and powerfully, despite his usual acting being for the camera rather than a live audience. McKellan is successful in the main aim of most stage actors; leaving the audience thinking and talking about it even after the end.He is not only successful in convincing the audience of pure dementia but also managing to do it without causing himself dementia. During the three hour long play, not a single eye was taken off the stage, in case any action or even word was missed by the engrossed audience. There were many a jump from the audience however when Lear lets out an incredible scream as if the realisation of his actions have hit him, before calmly and unobtrusively repeating the words â€Å"I shall go madà ¢â‚¬ .This point of the play marks his realisation and more importantly irreversibility of his actions. The heart-rending final scene, in which Lear brings the dead Cordelia in his arms to the audience’s view, is one of the best yet, Lear’s pure distraught over her death is shown by his piercing cries. Which not even a heart of stone could resist. Another brilliant performance was given by Jonathon Hyde, in his portrayal of Kent. The usual loyalty of Kent is shown with xtras, as Hyde goes undercover after being banished. Kent’s brilliant ideas and wittiness in this production make him one of the most entrancing actors on stage. Especially at points such as the dismissal of Oswald, Goneril’s devoted servant. Overall, this production of King Lear is highly convincing and leave the audience feeling dazed, deeply moved and oddly uplifted , which as some would describe as the feelings left after a truly horrific tragedy.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Choices based on appearances of their options Essay
Often times people make choices based on appearances of their options- the result of the choice tends to be strongly negative and it is hard to admit a mistake has been done. Often times things are not what they seem, when we trust this illusion the choice made is hard to accept and it is hard for others to reason how we came to that decision. This is the theme that we see in the dialogue between Hamlet and his mother Gertrude in the III, iv, ll. 63-117. This theme is shown through the use of diction, imagery, repetition, and characterization. In this dialogue it is both Gertrude and Hamlet that speak to each other. At this point hamlet criticizes her strongly about Claudius and her sense of judgment. The event that has just occurred preceding this dialogue is the murder of Polonius by Hamlet- as he mistook him for Claudius. At this point in the play Hamlet knows that Claudius has killed his father and is now sure he wants to avenge him. What happens after this dialogue is that the ghost of Hamlet’s father appears to remind him of his mission, Gertrude is unable to see the ghost but Hamlet goes on to explain to her everything after the ghost goes away. The first techniques to be discussed are imagery and diction and their role in portraying the first part of the theme, that being â€Å"often times things are not what they seem†. The first line of the passage says: â€Å"the counterfeit presentment of two brothers†in reference to Hamlet’s father and Claudius. From the very beginning of the passage the sub-theme of deception of perception is brought about. Hamlet goes on to degrade Claudius by use of insults (made up of images, in turn made up of diction). â€Å"A murderer and a villain; A slave that is not twentieth part of the tithe Of your precedent lord; a vice of kings; A cutpurse of the empire and the rule, That from a shelf the precious diadem stole, And put it in his pocket! †In this quote Hamlet is unveiling the true nature of Claudius, especially by treating him of a murderer and a cutpurse (pickpocket). These two insults are references to the murder of Hamlet’s father and the thievery of the crown; two crimes that prove to be very deceiving of a king. Once Hamlet had explained this to Gertrude she realized her wrong choice. At this point we can characterize Gertrude as being repressive and denying. This is shown through her diction and imagery; â€Å"O Hamlet, speak no more:Thou turn’st mine eyes into my very soul; And there I see such black and grained spots As will not leave their tinct. †Her demand of Hamlet to cease his attacks show that she is unable to face the truth, she goes on to say â€Å"these words, like daggers, enter in mine ears†which proves further that the truth about her choice is too painful for her to admit. The image of the daggers in conjunction with her â€Å"black and grained spots†bring about the omnipresent theme of order versus disorder- which can apply in this situation as Gertrude is in a disorderly situation, where she cannot accept the truth. Another technique that shows her fear of the truth is repetition. â€Å"No more†is repeated three times as she begs hamlet to stop his attacks, showing an increasingly greater desire to avoid the truth. This fits in to the main theme as she clearly shows that it is hard to accept the wrong choice that she has made. Finally the last aspect of the main theme of the passage- how it is difficult to reason a bad choice- is brought up by hamlet more so than by his mother. In the beginning of the passage he goes on to question her choice of lower quality of man, comparing his father to god’s and later referring to Claudius as a criminal. â€Å"See, what a grace was seated on his brow; Hyperion’s curls; the front of Jove himself; An eye like Mars, to threaten and command; A station like the herald Mercury†All the references are to male gods of great importance and strength such as Mars that is god of war, Hyperion that is god of the sun (as is Jove) and finally Mercury the messenger god, and god of commerce. He goes to say that this husband was great but now she is married to a â€Å"mildew’d ear†- an image that is degrading to Claudius. â€Å"†¦ have you eyes? †¦ Nor sense to ecstasy was ne’er so thrall’d†In this long quote Hamlet goes to question what could’ve possibly given his mother to marry this man. Without giving his mother the opportunity to explain herself, he cancels out the possibility of love, as she is too old to feel the excitation and passion of love. This fits in the theme as Hamlet shows that he is unable to understand Gertrude’s decision, as for him it lacks reasoning and doesn’t offer her a chance to explain herself. Through this text analysis we can see how the theme of how often times things are not what they seem, when we trust this illusion the choice made is hard to accept and it is hard for others to reason how we came to that decision. This theme represents the situation that Hamlet was in as he was by himself in having to find out if the ghost was real or unreal, and if it was evil or good- it is the situation he was in when he had to act so strangely to the whole exterior world, when inside he knew he was sane. At this point in the play hamlet is wrong to attack his mother in such a way that is why the ghost of Hamlet’s father comes at the end of the scene to remind him of the real mission. He let his private griefs get to him. After his father’s visit Hamlet makes his mother a confident and becomes more trusting towards her. She on the other hand thinks her son is delusional. In conclusion everyone has their reason to make choices which cannot be comprehended by others, and they may have negative ramifications.
An Overview Of Sainsburys Plc
An Overview Of Sainsburys Plc Sainsburys PLC consists of Sainsburys a chain of 502 supermarkets and convenience stores-and sainsburys bank. Sainsbury’s Supermarkets is the UK’s longest standing major food retailing chain, having opened its first store in 1869. The Sainsbury’s brand is built upon a heritage of providing customers with healthy, safe, fresh and tasty food. Quality and fair prices go hand-in-hand with a responsible approach to business. Sainsbury’s stores have a particular emphasis on fresh food and strives to innovate continuously and improve products in line with customer needs. As per an article published on the BBC news website, Sainsbury was the market leader in the U.K until 1995 when Tesco took over the number one position. In July 2003 Asda took over sainsbury’s position to become UK’s second largest supermarket chain. As a marketing consultant appointed by Sainsbury PLC, through this document I shall lay down strategies which would enable Sainsbury PLC to secure its future, regain its momentum and emerge as a market leader in the times to come. It would be meaningful to begin our analysis through a current situations review. The purpose of analysis of our situations review is to primarily understand what may affect the enterprise in the future. In order to accomplish our objectives it would be worth assessing the external environment through: The super market retail industry in the UK is highly competitive. According to an article published by Research and Markets, under the heading â€Å"UK Food Retailing Market Forecast (2005-2010)†, large convenience stores dominate the retail markets in the UK. Seventy five percent of the total sales in the retail industry is attributed to the large supermarkets. Again seventy Five percent of the market share is held by four large players in the industry which include Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morissons. The industry is projected to still witness enormous potential of growth, unlik e other developed regions in the world. According to an article published by the Oxford University press, â€Å"Michael Porter made one of the most thorough attempts to analyse the economic forces within an industry. Porter’s work had an important place in the positioning school which sees the fundamental role of strategy as positioning the enterprise for the future†Threat of new entrants: Threat of new entrant would be high when the industry appears attractive and the barriers to entry are low. The UK supermarket industry is rewarding and as discussed earlier is projected to see further growth. This makes the industry eye-catching. However there is no doubt that entry into the UK markets would require a huge amount of capital. Considering this it would be appropriate to expect entrants from developed parts of the world. I see a threat of entry from American retail giants keeping in mind the slowdown in the retail industry in the American markets. One cannot undermine the possibility of new entrants from other European regions. A recent example would include the entry of German supermarket giant Lidl which has opened up retail stores in major British cities.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Summary of Joyce Carol Oates's Is This the Promised End Essay
Summary of Joyce Carol Oates's Is This the Promised End - Essay Example He could not rely on his common sense and did not see the difference between real and unreal world. The author connects the tragedy with transcendence as the main driven force of the tragedy itself. Joyce Carol Oates uses oppositions to unveil transformations in Lear's personality: real vs unreal, "self" vs "other", flesh vs soul, which "poetically symbolized by a union of male and female elements" (Oates, 1974). The notion of grace is opposed to masculine tyranny of Lear. Cordelia is the bearer of "grace" embodied in her personality. A special attention is devoted to historical process as the tool of dramatization depicting that the world exists in history. The main questions arisen from this essay are: Is it necessary to Lear to become insane What is the role of transcendence in the tragedy Is "King Lear" really a tragedy or triumph of justice For Lear, It is necessary to become insane because only in this state he can achieve spirituality and distinguish between "self" and "other. His insanity is a journey into self. Shaking up a thinker involves demolishing his reliance on "common sense", but common sense is not a quality of heroes, and Lear cannot achieve his status as a hero within a system linked to it.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY QUESTION - Assignment Example Increased hypothalamus functions causes secretion of follicle stimulating hormone that mark the onset of puberty (Wilkosz et al., 6). FSH stimulates ovarian follicle to secrete oestrogen and adrenal gland to secrete androgens. Sex steroid causes secondary sexual characteristics of puberty. Sperms develop from spermatogonia mature into primary spermatocytes. Secondary spermatocytes form after first meiotic division of the primary spermatocytes. Secondary spermatocytes undergo second meiotic division to spermatids. Both divisions take place in the seminiferous tubules after which spermatids migrate to the sertoli cells (McLafferty et al., 38). Maturation of spermatids into spermatozoa involves leydig cells that produce GnRH, LH (ICSH), DHT, testosterone, ABP, and inhibin that regulate spermatogenesis. The epididymis stores mature sperms. Upon sufficient stimulation, spermatozoa move through vas deferens, ampulla, ejaculatory duct , urethra then outside the body. The tubular pathway contracts to propel the ejaculate. Semen consist of secretions form the prostate, seminal and seminal vesicles. The secretions neutralise urine PH and provide nutrition to
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Open Art Surgery The dilemma of the administrator Essay
Open Art Surgery The dilemma of the administrator - Essay Example This research tells that when the â€Å"experts†describe a painting, you can hear words of this kind of abandon which are mostly out of the common man’s range of understanding. For example, an expert may observe a certain painting and say something like â€Å"this painting portrays a journey of the psyche that transcends the eternity within the confines of your soul†and listening to this the artists and their managers may nod their heads in agreement. For those outside this wonderland, however, these words will sound hollow and will go right over their heads. There, exists a need for the art to be interpreted without the usual expert jingo and clichà ©d usages and phrases. But since the 1980s the art trade has blossomed one of the most profitable activities for the rich and famous. It’s much like a new company going public in the stock market. â€Å"When a â€Å"priceless†work of art gets a price tag, the haggling, bluffing and profiteering beg in.†The players descend from around the globe with highly solvent accumulated wealth that will move hands in just a few minutes. Never before has art been such a commodity as it is today. â€Å"The worlds top galleries and auction houses are turning record profits: in February 2007, London did 590 million euros in business with auctions of artwork in just five days†. The differences between managing Arts and managing Business - Can art be managed like a business? The answer lies in the fact that though there is a severe pressure from the new community in the art sector that of the businessmen and the speculators to deal with an artwork as a piece of the good real estate or blue-chip stock, there is still hope of retaining some of the uniqueness that art is credited with. Like Dewitt Jones declares in his article Creativity makes a difference, â€Å"Art is creative; business is practical. Art is frivolous; business is serious. Art is to be indulged in only when all the "important stuff' is done; business is the "important stuff."
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration Essay
Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration - Essay Example Public interest can be defined as the general wellbeing of the public. This is where the whole society, and not just selfish individuals, matter. They, therefore, warrant protection, promotion and recognition from the government. It is their job as people in higher positions of power to ensure that everyone gets treated right and just with accordance to the law (Nichols, 2010). Public administrators are, therefore, bound to these roles by certain ethical rules. As they make decisions, they have to take into account the rules that bind them to ensure they serve the people well. This paper will review some of the responsibilities and obligations that bind public administrators. Also, the dilemmas they usually face when politics is involved in the running of the business. Administrative responsibility lies with the fact that leaders are supposed to serve the people on a lower level. The problems that arise when they are in charge are often seen with the way they handle their business. Some ethical problems that they face arise mostly from morality. Many public administrators are mostly consumed by sex scandals (Kumar, 2005). These issues create a very bad image for the people that surround them, especially their family. Most people voted into office are chosen based on their family standings and values. A family man is likely to be chosen into office than a person who does not have a family. The public would like to be involved in the running of their daily business.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses Research Paper
Choice and Relevance of the Name Healer to Refer Nurses - Research Paper Example Nurses, given their delicate position and weird characters occupying the world, attract ridicule in order to undermine their work. This paper discusses some effects that these ridicules that include nicknames might have, and finds out some of the ways these could be avoided in order to pursue the nursing career in full swing. The identity that the name ‘healers’ gives to the nurses sure uplifts their image and the impact of this is also discussed. Lastly, various perspectives from various spheres of the term ‘healer’ are compared with the current scenario and a conclusion summing up the general ideas of the paper finalizes the paper. Thesis: The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. Introduction What rings in one’s mind with the mention of the word ‘Healer? ’ The obvious guess would be the good doctor. ...This argument may qualify the fact that indeed nurses are healers (Watson, 1985). A healer is defined as an individual who oversees the transformation of a patient from unsound or ill condition to a healthy form. Healing does not just comprise of putting one into a sound form, but rather, healing is an umbrella to many objectives that a patient should transcend on his or her way to recovery. These include psychological, physical and social healing. With the definition of healing looked at from this perception, one might rethink the reference of doctors as healers, and rather give that honor to the nurses. Nurses are professions in the medical world that carry the obligation of human care in the community, families or individual in order to foster recovery, maintain a healthy condition and live a healthy life. They have the most responsibility in the world of medicine apart from just being the doctor helper. They truly deserve t o be called ‘healers’ because they are involved with a patient right from the beginning, to that very moment that the patients depart from the hospital. This paper shall carefully analyze the weight that this name carries and try to find the basis of the whole process of naming and some of the factors that go along naming. The name ‘healer’ is well deserved to nurses globally as they have shown the quality, commitment, compassion, and competence it takes to take part in the healing process of a patient, right from the beginning to the end. What’s in a name? Names go beyond the essence of just identity.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Knowledge Management in Emirates Secondary Schools Assignment
Knowledge Management in Emirates Secondary Schools - Assignment Example In this essay the researcher presents his proposal for a piece of research, which is aimed to investigate the relationship between the current state of management, technology and culture and the knowledge management activities in the Emirates secondary schools. The researcher also hopes that this study will promote an improvement of the existing knowledge management practices in the UAE educational system and make a contribution in positive changes in the country economy at a whole. The modern education system in the UAE is based basically on the same fundamentals as educational systems of many other world nations – on Western pedagogical models and the current K-12 curriculum. However, it differs profoundly by its cultural and political context. One of the major distinctions of the system is the lack of qualified national teachers. Results of the study presented by Muysken discusses the causes of the deficient educational system in the UAE, the implications of this system and main factors constraining knowledge transfer in the UAE schools. The results prove evidently the necessity of improvement of the educational system of the Emirates, where the effective KM may be crucial. This essay suggests that this research will be a remarkable step towards the deeper understanding of nature and particular features of these supporting factors regarding the UAE educational system. The researcher believes that this study will be also helpful for researchers who are going to conduct further research in the area of KM in education.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
An author thesis paper on 4 of J.D Salingers works Term
An author thesis on 4 of J.D Salingers works - Term Paper Example This paper will, therefore, attempt to connect Salinger’s portrayal of children’s innocence based on the four works as named above. We will do a book-by book analysis of his depiction of children to come to a common conclusion... 2.0. Discussion. 2.1. The Catcher in the Rye. This novel was originally written for the adult audience. The book’s adolescent themes such as teenage alienation, confusion, angst, and rebellion however, found more favour among the youth, turning it into a teenage novel. The novel begins with Holden’s narration of events in the past at his school. Through the narration, we see Holden as a victim of circumstances when he loses his school’s football team equipment in the subway prior to the football match that afternoon leading to subsequent cancellation of the match. As a result, he is suspended from school until after Christmas (Crawford 26). Although Holden escaped from school to the Edmont hotel in New York, it is in a bid to get away from conflict and confrontation with his school mates as he engages in a fight with his roommate Stradlater. Later, Holden develops sexual desires and ends up with a prostitute in his room. This is quite innocent and coming of Holden who is in his adolescence, full of desire for sexual exploration. When he brings the prostitute to his room, he does not judge her as harsh as society does as to him, she is just a normal human being who deserves right treatment and respect. Even when she leaves without him having slept with her, he still pays him and thanks her for coming. This shows the innocence of a boy just caught up in the developments of life. Holden engages in drink after his friend, Sally, refuses to elope with him. This he does out of pure frustrations as his sexuality is at peak, but does not wish to enjoy it with anyone but that whom he loves, which is Sally. When he rejects his innocent desire to have her all alone to himself, he has no one to talk to and the on ly way he can deal with the frustration is by drinking it down. His frustrations force him into his parent’s house to see and talk to his sister, Phoebe. The two talk and Holden shares his innocently misinterpreted wish to be a catcher of children in the rye to help prevent them from losing their innocence (Crawford 43). While at Mr. Antolini’s house, Holden is disgusted at what he thinks is a homosexual move by the host toward him. This shows that despite Holden’s sexuality at peak, he regards some things such as homosexuality as immoral and that it should not be tolerated when he leaves Antolini’s house immediately. His allusions toward the end of the novel about being mentally ill and living in a mental hospital shows an innocent childish wish to stay away from the realities of life by staying secluded in a place of no reality. As was his dream to save the children in the rye from the harshness of life, so does he wish to forever stay in the innocence of childhood. 2.2. Franny and Zooey. Franny and Zooey are brother and sister, the youngest members of the glass family. Zooey is a genius while Franny
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